
Drones for GREEn iNdustry


The Drones4GREEN project brings together active centers for educational technology and drone-related industries across the European Union. The primary motivation for establishing the current proposal, came from the perceived need to promote new business opportunities in the domain of drone technology by establishing an open learning environment that will enable the acquisition of competencies and skills related to the drone technology. It is apparent that the proposed collaborative construction is possible to provide new ways of promoting the leverage of drone technology: As for education over drone technology, academic staff, students both trainee and graduates, researchers, senior undergraduates and postgraduate students from EU academic institutions that have courses related to ICT that will have the opportunity to incorporate the ICT curriculum. The development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), offers tremendous opportunities for Europe’s green policies to find real-world applications and become interconnected with the aeronautical, agricultural and manufacturing industry, SMEs, and for the many aviation and non-aviation businesses that will be able to integrate drones into their activities, and increase their efficiency and competitiveness.


•Supporting digital and green capabilities of higher education (HE)
•Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity (HORIZONTAL)
•Environment and fight against climate change (HORIZONTAL)


•Information and communication technologies (ICT)
•Cooperation between educational institutions and business
•Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or course


•Promotion of new business opportunities
•Educational purposes
•Real world applications
•Efficiency and competitiveness

Objectives & Results

•Fossil fuel replacement
•Green transition education
•Curricula update
•Training and work experience
•Drone technology adoption
•Cooperation between HEIs and SMEs
•Digital hub development

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Project design and implementation

Work Packages:
WP n°1: Project management
WP n°2: Educational material and curriculum development on Drone. Deployment technology
WP n°3: Mobile apps supporting Drone flights
WP n°4: Drone Open Digital Hub
WP n°5: Drones for the agriculture industry: a case study

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Update HEI curricula in order to provide the practical and theoretical knowledge required for capitalizing the drone technology into industrial settings and pave the path towards an industry wide “greenification” and sensitization towards environmental and climatic parameters.

Confront aspects related to the professional use and exploitation of drone technology such as drone technical deployment and maintenance, data acquisition storage and visualization.

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Four transnational project meetings in three different countries for facilitating and coordinating all project management and administrative tasks.

Four WPs for generating open access results.

Three multiplier events in three different countries for disseminating the project findings, focusing on the results generated through the intellectual outputs.

One learning/teaching/training activity for training HEI students and staff members on drone technology their use in industrial applications.

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Well informed educational material on the use of drone technologies and their adoption in industrial applications

An update over current curricula targeting the relevant higher institutions to address concerning drone technology

A digital hub to support all relevant stakeholders. This hub will support open and distant access mainly based on an integrated web platform.

Two application frameworks. One for surveillance systems and one to support a formal decision for stakeholders and handlers.


The Drones4GREEN consortium consists of competency matching, well-established, industrial and academic representations. The partners that were invited to participate in this project were carefully selected based on
a) Research and academic capacity in the area of ICT,
b) Industrial experience and innovation,
c) Drone technology experience.

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